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A sharing by Helen Chang for this song:

Over the years I have read and pondered on this passage in Philippines 2:1-5 very often; the amazing thing about God’s life giving word is that it may sound very familiar yet it is almost brand new at the same time. I realised that it depends a lot on my sensitivity to the moving of His spirit in me. The more I was ready to be shown its relevance to my situation at the time, the more He would graciously deepen that awareness in me. It is actually not a matter of learning more or trying harder to do everything that is required of me in this passage but that it is a call for a renewed mindset towards certain people, things and events around me.

Whereas we may think that with more communication we could better understand each other, I have experienced and observed that once our hearts are ready to accept each other, the mutual understanding would follow much sooner than we expected. With this I then realised the importance and the wisdom of the command in Romans 15:7 that we are to accept each other AS Christ has accepted us.

The reverse is equally true in that when there is a hesitation to accept each other fully, it would inevitably allow tension to creep in such relationships. There is no partial acceptance as I found out to my shame; just like the teaching of the Lord Jesus in other aspects too, either I obey it or do not obey it as there is no partial obedience!

With this root issue set right in my heart, I find it is possible to obey this command with deep gratitude. As such attitudes and the mindset of Christ are being formed in me, I can see the hope for us to relate to each other as members of the body of Christ in reality. What a gospel to share with those around us indeed!

(c) 2021 Christian Disciples Church